
Dates & Venues:    

Please note the courses shown below indicate upcoming BASIC courses only. Return to departmental website click here.

Course manuals can be ordered from us, printed from the downloadable pdf or, as a last resort, candidates can read the course manual on the app. If you have not previously passed a BASIC instructor course please contact to arrange instructor training.

What is it?

BASIC is a short course, usually held over 2 days, which covers essential and fundamental aspects of Intensive Care.

What topics are covered?

  • airway management
  • acute respiratory failure
  • mechanical ventilation
    • basics
    • common modes
    • settings
    • troubleshooting
    • specific conditions
  • haemodynamic monitoring
  • management of shock
  • severe sepsis
  • interpretation of arterial blood gases
  • transport of critically ill patients
  • severe trauma
  • neurological emergencies
  • oliguria & acute renal failure
  • cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • arrhythmias
  • nutrition
  • sedation and analgesia
  • venous thromboembolic disease
  • stress ulceration
  • cardiovascular and respiratory physiology
  • metabolic & electrolyte disturbances

Since 2004 courses have been held in approximately 50 countries